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    Jim DeLillo

    Scripts are instructions that can be written for Pixinsight to execute a series of tasks. This can be helpful if you have a project that requires the same things to happen repetitively.

    Scripts in Pixinsight are written in Javascript and are stored as a file with a .js extension.

    Within the standard edition of Pixinsight, several scripts have already been written for your use. These can be accessed through the pull-down menu “script” and then the submenu such as “Utilities” and then ultimately, the script you wish to, for example, “LinearDefectDetection.”

    You also can write scripts for your own jobs. I can’t teach you Javascript here, but there are tutorials available like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6NZfCO5SIk

    One of the best places to learn how a script for Pixinsight works is by opening up the submenu choice of “edit Scripts” and examine a .js file. If you’re not a programmer, it will look incredibly daunting. But, with a desire to learn and much patience, you can make Pixinsight do your bidding.

    Jarmo Ruuth of this community has written a script named “AutoIntegrate.js.” It automates much of the inbound processing of the Integration of images. This script and a description of what it does and how to use it is found at https://ruuth.xyz/AutoIntegrateInfo.html

    On some rainy evening @telescopelive sites, you may want to delve into the mysteries and capabilities of scripting.

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