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Upcoming Webinar: Finding hidden treasures in narrowband data with Sulphur-II luminance compositing

Event details


We are thrilled to announce an exclusive webinar that promises to redefine your approach to narrowband image processing. Join us for a post-processing masterclass led by the renowned astrophotographer Nik Szymanek, as he delves into a unique hybrid workflow integrating the powerful capabilities of Affinity Photo and PixInsight.

Webinar’s Details

Title: Finding hidden treasures in narrowband data with Sulphur-II luminance compositing

Host: Alex Curry, Co-Founder of Telescope Live

Guest: Nik Szymanek

Time & Date: Monday, 11th of March at 6 PM UTC

YouTube Link: https://youtube.com/live/8OsKZUITj_U?feature=share

Facebook Link: https://business.facebook.com/events/3194317287379747/

Hybrid Workflow Masterclass: A Novel Approach to Narrowband Processing

Nik Szymanek, a UK-based astro-imager and deep sky image processing tutor, is no stranger to pushing the boundaries of astrophotography. With years of experience and a passion for exploring the cosmos through the lens of advanced imaging techniques, Nik has developed a novel approach that promises to add a new dimension to your astrophotography projects.

In this upcoming webinar, Nik will unveil his innovative method of using SII (Sulfur II) data as a luminance layer for narrowband images. This technique, best suited for celestial objects with strong SII emissions, offers a fresh perspective on the night sky's wonders, revealing unprecedented depth and detail.

What You Will Learn

  • Understanding the Hybrid Workflow: Grasp the fundamentals of combining Affinity Photo and PixInsight for a seamless post-processing experience.
  • SII as Luminance: Learn the intricacies of using SII data as a luminance layer, including the selection of suitable targets and the adjustments required for optimal results.
  • Step-by-Step Guidance: Follow Nik's detailed walkthrough of the entire processing technique, from initial data acquisition to the final touches that bring your images to life.
  • Interactive Q&A Session: Have your questions answered directly by Nik during the webinar. Whether you're curious about the masterclass or have specific challenges in your own astrophotography projects, this is your chance to gain insights from an expert.

Open Access to Knowledge: Streaming Across Platforms

Our webinar will be live-streamed across YouTube and our Facebook page, making it accessible to all, transcending the bounds of our subscriber base. This open access initiative allows every astronomy enthusiast, including those not subscribed to Telescope Live, to tune into our live sessions.

Exclusive Telescope Live Subscriber Interaction

While we embrace a wider audience, we reserve an exclusive interactive experience for our subscribers. Telescope Live subscribers will receive a special Zoom link via email on the day of the webinar, ensuring a more personalized and engaging experience.

Stay Informed: Visit the Telescope Live Community Forum

For more details on each webinar and updates on what to expect, we encourage you to visit the "Events" section under the Telescope Live Community Forum.

Watch at Your Convenience

If you're unable to attend the live session, fear not. The webinar recordings will be available exclusively for our Silver plan members and above, a few days after the event.

Mark the 11th of March on your calendars and join us to make sure you don’t miss this great post-processing session!

Recommended Comments

I used this technique for the Trapezium Telescope Live data for my APOD image. I wanted to try it from my Bortle 7-8 backyard. The Sii data really cuts through the glare like sunglasses. I also incorporated Sii as luminance into my RGB data, works like a magic bullet. 



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