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RGB stars

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I've not been subscribed to Telescope live long enough to know if this has already been suggested so apologies if it has been. This obviously applies when only narrowband filters are used. 

In many cases when narrowband filters are used to capture an image, no RGB data is taken. With various methods to simulate RGB stars now available this is perfectly acceptable, however, in some cases it might be preferable to collect a short amount of RGB data.

I'm thinking of objects like tiny planetary nebulae taken with either of the 2 long focal length scopes when you may end up with only a small portion of the image showing anything. This is as a result of stars being suppressed due to the effect of the filters. Taking just 20 minutes each in RGB would vastly increase the presence of stars. Their contribution to the final image can be adjusted to taste using a variety of methods. 

This data ought to be collectable during times when the moon is fuller since it's only the stars we need, and with planning such star captures could be done for several candidates during one evening. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this and any comments. 

Cheers and CS, Ray 


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Hi Ray, 

Thank you for your suggestion! I completely agree that capturing some RGB data for our targets, especially those typically imaged with narrowband filters, can be quite beneficial. In fact, we've already done this for certain targets, often at the request of our users. That said, we'll definitely consider implementing this technique more frequently in the future.

One thing to keep in mind is that we avoid imaging in RGB during the full moon. The brightness from the moon significantly affects the quality of frames in these filters, so narrowband filters are preferred in such conditions.

Thanks again for your input!

Clear SKies,


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