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SIRIL Telescope Live Scripts

Alexander Curry

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Hi everyone!

Here are the scripts I have written for processing Telescope Live data in SIRIL.

To install the scripts all you need to do is download and un-zip the folder to a location of your choosing. Go to Preferences -> Scripts and add the directory to the list of scripts. Hit the refresh button and you will see the scripts appear in the scripts tab.

If you are new to SIRIL or astrophotography be sure to visit our free tutorial on post-processing with SIRIL:



The scripts that are included are:

telescope.live_Batch_Convert - Used for converting uncalibrated Telescope Live data for PI to read. Place all your FITS into a folder named "Raw" in your working directory. The results will be in a folder named "Converted"

telescope.live_HaLRGB - HaLRGB stack, SIRIL will open the RGB data, the Ha & L data is saved separately into the stacks folder

telescope.live_HaRGB - SIRIL will open the RGB data, the stacked Ha data will be saved in the stacks folder

telescope.live_HOO - HOO colour palette, the HOO composite will be loaded straight after stacking ready for editing

telescope.live_lrgb - LRGB, SIRIL will open the RGB data, the L data is saved separately into the stacks folder

telescope.live_RGB - Straight RGB processing, SIRIL will directly open the RGB composite after stacking

telescope.live_SHO - SHO Hubble palette, the composite will be loaded straight after stacking ready for editing


  • Added HaLRGB Script
  • Disabled autostretch of L


  • Disabled PCC in LRGB script


  • Fixed issue with FWHM filter failing for some datasets
  • Corrected typo in HaLRGB script


If the uploaded file below generates an error the scripts are also hosted here:




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I downloaded the V2.1 to run a LRGB file I downloaded from Telescope Live (IC2169_CHI-1-CMOS_12_4284ebc4-9950-4d99-aa17-7344063cf051).  I ran the script and this is what i got:

0:38:44: Photometric color correction will use WCS information and bypass internal plate solver
10:38:44: Findstar: processing for channel 0...
10:38:44: Findstar: processing for channel 2...
10:38:44: Findstar: processing for channel 1...
10:38:44: No valid catalog found.
10:38:44: Setting CWD (Current Working Directory) to '/Users/chuckthornton1/Desktop/IC2169_CHI-1-CMOS_12_4284ebc4-9950-4d99-aa17-7344063cf051'
10:38:44: Script execution failed.

Did I do something wrong?

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On 3/20/2024 at 3:43 PM, Charles Thornton said:

I downloaded the V2.1 to run a LRGB file I downloaded from Telescope Live (IC2169_CHI-1-CMOS_12_4284ebc4-9950-4d99-aa17-7344063cf051).  I ran the script and this is what i got:

0:38:44: Photometric color correction will use WCS information and bypass internal plate solver
10:38:44: Findstar: processing for channel 0...
10:38:44: Findstar: processing for channel 2...
10:38:44: Findstar: processing for channel 1...
10:38:44: No valid catalog found.
10:38:44: Setting CWD (Current Working Directory) to '/Users/chuckthornton1/Desktop/IC2169_CHI-1-CMOS_12_4284ebc4-9950-4d99-aa17-7344063cf051'
10:38:44: Script execution failed.

Did I do something wrong?

Hi Charles,

You didn't do anything wrong - photometric color correction (PCC) relies on some files that are not in SIRIL by default. Since I have the catalogues installed it wouldn't have thrown an error for me.

I've disabled this command in the LRGB script and re-uploaded it as V2.2

If you wish to perform PCC I have a tutorial here: https://telescope.live/tutorials/plate-solving-and-photometric-color-calibration-siril the tutorial covers how PCC works as well as installing these catalog files that you need to do the PCC


Let me know how you get on!

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