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IC1274 - January One-Click Challenge

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Looking at those few files, it is a challenge to get something out of those few photons.... especially because IC1274 is primarily an Hydrogen emission nebula (with 4 significant stars within its area) and if you look at the folder - there are 3x300" only on Ha. Of course with so few files, the image will be very noisy and grainy but if the main emission wavelength is represented with the least amount of collection time, it will be quite difficult to get anything worth looking at...
So, that was my part - how do you guys feel about this month´one-click challenge?

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Hi Georg, 

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We understand that the limited size of the dataset for the recent one-click contest may create extra challenges for participants. 

In general contests with a single dataset often pose a different level of difficulty compared to those with multiple datasets. This is because participants have less data to work with. However, this challenge is also part of the appeal of these contests. Participants can showcase their ability to extract and generate high-quality outputs from a limited amount of data.

Anyway of course we appreciate your feedback and we will continue to monitor feedback from users and make adjustments to the design of future contests as needed.


Clear Skies,


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Here's my 10 minute process of this object using an HOO-S palette for false color stars and then tweaking it in Photoshop. Because it is for the contest I will not say my exact mix or process on this, but I am not eligible to enter the contests so no worries about me. That being said, if I can get this from a 10 minute process of this object I am sure that there will be some people here who can spend more time and get better results on it. The data is there, the challenge is working it over.


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