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Searching One-click library using co-ordinates

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A simple question but as a new user of TL this has me stumped !

I am trying to search the existing one-click library using RA/Dec co-ordinates. Every delimiter that I attempt to employ to separate the h:m:s or degrees etc is rejected as Ra or Dec being invalid after the first 1 or 2 digits are entered. For example, I get this "invalid" error when I try and use either <space> or <:> or h/m/s, before moving onto the next part of the RA or Dec.

I am specifically searching for J2000 RA 5h 30m 18s and Dec 12deg 46min 11sec.

Grateful for any advice.



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Hi Dan, 

Try to use the formatting as in the screenshot attached. Be sure to click on the APPLY button with the mouse (do not use th return button on your keyboard). 

I have used 15000 as radius of search in arcmin, you can se the value you prefer. With 15000 I have 4 dataset as result. 

Clear Skies,




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Hi Ernesto

Very many thanks. I think my problem was that the "invalid" message quickly appeared and was maintained as I continued to enter more digits.. I placed too much emphasis on the early and continued appearance of the "invalid" message and stopped entry before completing a full RA set of numbers !

Many Thanks


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