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CG4 downloaded and trying to run Telescope Live HaLRGB Script

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I am new to Telescope Live.  If I am asking this in the wrong area I apologize in advance.

I have downloaded the CG4 file and ran the Script Telescope Live HaLRGB.  It stops and the following error is reported:

1:36:33: Total: 0 failed, 5 exported.
11:36:33: # Stack order B, G, Ha, L, R
11:36:33: Running command: load
11:36:34: Reading FITS: file r_stacks_00001.fit, 1 layer(s), 4072x4060 pixels, 32 bits
11:36:34: Running command: save
11:36:34: Saving FITS: file B.fit, 1 layer(s), 4072x4060 pixels, 32 bits
11:36:34: Running command: load
11:36:34: Reading FITS: file r_stacks_00002.fit, 1 layer(s), 4072x4060 pixels, 32 bits
11:36:34: Running command: save
11:36:35: Saving FITS: file G.fit, 1 layer(s), 4072x4060 pixels, 32 bits
11:36:35: Running command: load
11:36:36: Reading FITS: file r_stacks_00003.fit, 1 layer(s), 4072x4060 pixels, 32 bits
11:36:36: Running command: save
11:36:37: Saving FITS: file Ha.fit, 1 layer(s), 4072x4060 pixels, 32 bits
11:36:37: Running command: load
11:36:37: Error opening image r_stacks_0004: file not found or not supported.
11:36:37: Error in line 59 ('load'): generic error.
11:36:37: Exiting batch processing.
11:36:37: Setting CWD (Current Working Directory) to '/Volumes/Seagate Bac/Astrophotophy 2:2024 Pics/CG4 Hand of God - Telescope Live  3:12:24'
11:36:37: Script execution failed.

Emphasis on error added by me.

Can anyone help?

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