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Slow internet connections

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I've experienced slow connections to TL ever since joining, especially slow download speeds.

At this moment I am downloading an observation bundle at 366 kb/sec. I have a gigabit internet connection. Running a speed test WHILE downloading the observation bundle shows a connection of 585 mb/sec. 

Why is my connection to Telescope Live consistently so slow?

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Hi Patrick

The nominal download speed is around 3-4 MB/s.  (that is about a 5-minute download for a 1 GB dataset). I just tried and it was OK for me. 

This may have been a temporary slowdown. What browser are you using? 

Clear Skies,

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  • 2 months later...


I am currently experiencing a download speed of less than 100Kbps.  11:15 AM June 14, Albuquerque NM USA on Xfinity internet with a Safari browser, is this normal?

When I test my download speed it is more than 100 Mbps.



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