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WBPP "Hangs" when loading TL Datasets

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Hi there, I've been a member of TL for a few years now, and have only recently started to have an issue when trying to load some datasets into WBPP for processing in Pixinsight. If I try to load a "directory", the ProcessExplorer shows the files start to be loaded up to a point, and then it just stops and the programme freezes. I then have to "force quit" PI and start again. If I try to load the dataset by choosing the "Lights" button, it will show no activity at all, but at least I can still exit the WBPP script normally without having to force-quit the app. This does not happen with all datasets, but it will happen with the same dataset time and time again, even if I download a fresh copy. Any ideas?

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Sure, it's the CHI-1 CCD data set for NGC3576 (the Statue of Liberty Nebula). I posted the question on the Pixinsight forum and we seem to have identified the issue (maybe): the FITS headers for most of the files (all but the earliest 24 files) seem to have three digits after the decimal for the OBJCTRA, which Pixinsight does not like. The workaround that I found was to manually change the FITS header to remove the third digit and then it processes normally. 

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With the IC410 data, it seems that the files shot in March 2021 have a lot of additional info in the FITS headers (163 FITS keywords) while the files shot in September 2021 and later have a lot less (44 FITS keywords). I don't know if that has anything to do with the difficulty loading it into WBPP, but I suspect it does.

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Hello James, 

Sorry I didn't identify this issue earlier by reading your description. I had identified this RA issue a few months ago and had discussed it in the FB group here: 


When I encounter this problem I use this free software to edit all the headers at once, very easy and fast:


I see that for some things PI is really lacking in flexibility. While it is true that, for example, the format RA 11:12:00.00 is preferable to RA is: 11:11:60.00, many astronomy softwares and websites can handle the second format without problems. 


Clear Skies,


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On 10/8/2023 at 2:12 AM, James Glucksman said:

Hi there, I've been a member of TL for a few years now, and have only recently started to have an issue when trying to load some datasets into WBPP for processing in Pixinsight. If I try to load a "directory", the ProcessExplorer shows the files start to be loaded up to a point, and then it just stops and the programme freezes. I then have to "force quit" PI and start again. If I try to load the dataset by choosing the "Lights" button, it will show no activity at all, but at least I can still exit the WBPP script normally without having to force-quit the app. This does not happen with all datasets, but it will happen with the same dataset time and time again, even if I download a fresh copy. Any ideas?

I’ve also had some issues from time to time with telescope live data, I’ve since downloaded APP it will work when WBPP won’t.  It’s also a lot faster.  But some data just won’t seem to work in WBPP but most does.  

Maybe try APP as a backup it’s free for 30 days to test 🤷🏻‍♂️

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